
Showing posts from November, 2017

Day four...better late

I am thankful for the family that I received as a member of the Marching Southerners. Sounds crazy, that college marching band would become family...but they did. This particular band spans over 60 years. While marching, it was indeed family. I met some of best friends and most favorite people through the organization. I learned about life and love through this organization. I learned about hard work and what it takes to be a leader. I learned lessons about family.  Seeing everyone yesterday, people I knew and people I didn't know, made my heart happy.

Day three

I am thankful for the old wives tale that Cardinals are your relatives who have passed coming to check on you. I saw one this morning, after thinking of my sister. Whenever I see one, I especially think of my mom.

Day two

I am thankful for my family.  Not just today but every day. The people that molded me and shaped me into who I am today, both living and dead.

Thirty day Thankfulness Challenge Day One

I am thankful for friends and family who support us.  Sounds simple, right? Not so much, actually.  As we struggle with infertility and the adoption process, it's nice to know there are people who are rooting for us. People who don't offer unsolicited, and often hurtful, advice. Who have kids and don't make jokes about us stealing them.  People who include us because they know how much we love them and their kids.  Awesome people who have made this horrible journey easier to make for the love and support they give.  I don't wish to hear how someone you know got pregnant after adoption. I don't want to hear about babies overseas that need adopting, there are tens of thousands of children here that need a home. We agonized over this decision.  There were many, many tears shed.  The love and support means more than anyone could ever know and I am grateful for it.